Courtesy Visit by Dean Prof Pornchai Jansisyanont from Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University.
On January 26, 2023, Prof Pornchai Jansisyanont, Dean of the Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Dentistry and his group visited Dean Prof. Satoshi Imazato, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry. They discussed the views on prospective student exchange together with Vice Dean Prof. Riko Nishimura, Vice Dean Prof. Kazuhiko Nakano and Vice Dean Prof. Takafumi Kato. After that, they visited Division of Special Care Dentistry guided by Associate Prof. Jumpei Murakami, Department of Oral Data Science guided by Associate Prof. Kazunori Nozaki followed by a talk by Prof Takayoshi Sakai from Division of Oral-Facial Disorders. They also visited Department of Biomaterials Science guided by Associate Prof Junichi Sasaki and learnt about the research activities from Prof. Shinya Murakami, Department of Periodontology.