School of Dentistry
For Experiencing World-class
Six-year Integrated Educational Curriculum
It is essential for students to acquire a wide variety of learning, including natural science, culture, and social studies, which are needed for character building as medical professionals. Needless to say, students must also gain expert knowledge and master skills. General Education Subjects are comprised of some General Education Subjects and virtually offered at the Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences on the Toyonaka Campus. Special knowledge and expertise courses are given as Major subjects by the School of Dentistry at the Suita Campus.
Acquire Accomplishments and Master Advanced Techniques
General education subjects from the first year to the first half of the second year consist of Liberal Arts, Professional Basic Education Subjects and Global Literacy. These classes provide for acquisition of integrated comprehension and perspective, further nurturing the wellrounded character of the student and enhancing a willingness to learn. Some of the major subjects begin just after entrance to the school. In parallel with the General education subjects, the Introduction to the Dental Science I and II classes are open for first-year students to help prepare them before studying dentistry more intensely. “Fundamental Life Science” begins at the latter half of the first year, and lectures and laboratory exercises of “General Anatomy”, “Physiology”, and “Biochemistry” start in the second year. A common Achievement Test is given during the fifth year, and General Practice is studied during the fifth and sixth years.