Inter-Faculty Academic Exchange Agreement with College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University, Republic of Korea, signed
On July 26 (Wed.), the signing ceremony for an Inter-Faculty Academic Exchange Agreement between the Graduate School of Dentistry/School of Dentistry, Osaka University(OU) and the College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University (WU), Republic of Korea, was held.
Dean Prof. Nishimura Riko and Prof. Imazato Satoshi attended from OU and Dean Prof. You-Mee Lee, Vice Dean Prof. Seung Han Oh, Prof. Wan Lee, and Prof. Ji-Myung Bae attended from WU.
The two schools’ dental biomaterials departments have taken the lead of academic exchange in sending lecturers to each other and conducting joint research.
It is expected that this agreement will lead to more active mutual exchange in research and education between the College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University and Graduate School/School of Dentistry, Osaka University.
After the signing ceremony, Dean Prof. Lee and her group visited our hospital and school, guided by Dr. Sasaki, Lecturer of the Department of Dental Biomaterials.