
Curriculum of Dental School

For Experiencing World-class Research and Acquiring Abundant Knowledge

Six-year Integrated Educational Curriculum

It is essential for students to acquire a wide variety of learning, including natural science, culture, and social studies, which are needed for character building as medical professionals. Needless
to say, students must also gain expert knowledge and master skills.
Taking advantage of the integrated university, General Education Subjects and Major Subjects are comprised and provided as a 6-year integrated education.General Education Subjects are offered at the Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences on the Toyonaka Campus. Special knowledge and expertise courses are given as Major subjects by the School of Dentistry at the Suita Campus.

Acquire Accomplishments and Master Advanced Techniques

General education subjects from the first year to the first half of the second year consist of “Liberal Arts”, “Professional Basic Education Subjects” and “Global Literacy”. These classes provide for acquisition of integrated comprehension and perspective, further nurturing the well-rounded character of the student and enhancing a willingness to learn. Some of the major subjects begin just after entrance to the school. In parallel with the General education subjects, the Introduction to “the Dental Science I and II” classes are open for first-year students to help prepare them before studying dentistry more intensely. “Fundamental Life Science” begins at the latter half
of the first year, and lectures and laboratory exercises of “General Anatomy”, “Physiology”, and “Biochemistry” start in the second year. A common Achievement Test is given during the fifth year, and General Practice is studied during the fifth and sixth years.

Accompanying Laboratory Exercises

Accompanying laboratory exercises” are given at the third year, after all the basic subjects are completed. These are different from the lectures and laboratory exercises covered thus far. All students are divided into 9 classes of basic dentistry subjects, and experience research activity under the guidance of trained instructors. Through those exercises,students come to recognize the significance and importance of research in the field of dentistry, and gain knowledge of oral science as a part of life science.

Common Achievement Test before General Practice

The Common AchievementTest is held t oenrich the General Practice sessions responding to the need of society for excellent dental practitioners. It is a national-based standard evaluation test of skill and aptitude, and is required prior to the General Practice sessions to secure a certain standard among the students. The test consists of the following two kinds of examinations
● CBT (Computer-Based Testing)
Comprehensive understanding of basic and clinical knowledge, as well as problem-solving abilities are evaluated by acomputer-based objective test.
● OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination)
Attitude and clinical skill needed for the General Practice sessions are evaluated by an objective structured clinical examination using standardized simulated patients and dental simulators.

General Practice

General Practice sessions are held during the latter half of the fifth year to sixth year. Under the guidance of instructor dentists, students come into contact with patients and learn basic knowledge regarding medical examinations, diagnosis, and treatment, along with necessary dental techniques.
Furthermore, they learn how to respond to patients and acquire the basic attitudes needed to practice health care as future dentists. It is invaluable to understand physiological function and oral pathology, even for those who want to be researchers. Through these sessions, the realization
and awareness of the students as dental practitioners or researchers come to fruition.

Common Achievement Test after General Practice

This is a test to evaluate the clinical skills acquired through General Practice in terms of knowledge, attitude, and skills, and to confirm the student possesses the qualities required of a dentist. The test consists of a “Clinical Practice Examination” and a “Clinical Skill Examination”.
● CPX (Clinical Practice Examination)
Clinical competences mainly in terms of attitude and manners are evaluated at the field of General Practice.
● CSX(Clinical Skill Examination)
Clinical competences are evaluated in terms of skills using an integrated dental simulators that regenerate multiple pathological conditions