
Department of Special Needs Dentistry (Division of Special Care Dentistry)

 The Department of Special Needs Dentistry (Division of Special Care Dentistry) conducts research to provide dental care and oral health services for individuals with physical or mental illnesses and disabilities (those with special needs).

Associate ProfessorShigehisa AKIYAMA
Associate Professor (Lecturer)Jumpei MURAKAMI
Professor EmeritusIchijiro MORISAKI
Visiting Academic StaffKoichi MURAUCHI
Visiting Academic StaffYuki ODA
Visiting Academic StaffKenji TANAKA
Visiting Academic StaffTatsuya ZAIMA
Visiting ResearcherNaoya SAEKI

■ Research Topics

1. Elucidation of dental findings in individuals with disabilities

 Investigation of Dental Findings
We analyze the dental characteristics of individuals with diverse disabilities to identify their causes and present the results of case studies at academic conferences and in publications.

Investigation of Medications
Individuals with disabilities often take multiple medications. We are researching to examine how these medications affect the oral cavity.

2. Communication and Information Accessibility in Dental Care for Individuals with Disabilities

Research on Supporting Dental Visits and Oral Health for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
We are developing tools to provide visual support for dental treatment visits, catering to individuals with various needs, including those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Information Accessibility for Individuals with Visual Impairments
We are working on methods to provide information through Braille and tactile graphics using Braille printers and thermoform machines. Additionally, we are developing tactile models for dental education and oral hygiene instruction.

Information and Communication Accessibility for Individuals with Hearing Impairments
Our research focuses on ensuring information accessibility through Japanese Sign Language, written communication, and speech recognition technology.

3. Elucidating the Mechanisms of Oral Diseases in Individuals with Disabilities

Research on the Mechanism of Periodontal Disease in Individuals with Down Syndrome and Development of Treatment Methods
Individuals with Down syndrome often develop periodontal disease at a young age, which can progress rapidly. We are studying the mechanisms of this condition using gingival cells and periodontal pathogens, while also developing methods for treatment and prevention.

Research on Drug-Induced Gingival Overgrowth
Individuals taking antiepileptic drugs such as phenytoin and sodium valproate are prone to gingival enlargement as a side effect. Similar conditions have been reported with cyclosporine and calcium channel blockers. Our research aims to elucidate the mechanisms behind drug-induced gingival enlargement and to develop new clinical treatment approaches.

Research on Occlusion and Symptoms of Tourette Syndrome
We are investigating the effects of dental splints on various symptoms associated with Tourette syndrome, such as motor tics, vocal tics, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

4. Treatment and Prevention Methods for Oral Diseases in Individuals with Disabilities

Development of Chemical Plaque Control Methods
Developing innovative plaque control methods is essential for individuals who face challenges in maintaining optimal oral hygiene. We are researching to enhance cleaning efficiency, focusing on chemical approaches to control plaque formation and maturation, such as using titanium dioxide toothbrushes.

Development of Laser-Assisted Methods to Enhance Dental Adhesion
To achieve longer-lasting dental restorations, we are researching techniques to strengthen dental adhesion using YAG lasers.

5. Support for Dental Visits by Individuals with Disabilities

Development of Behavioral Management Techniques
We are developing physiological and psychological support methods using specialized tools to facilitate dental visits.

Research on Environmental Settings
Our research focuses on creating optimal environments where individuals can receive dental care comfortably and with a sense of security.

Various Surveys on Dental Visits
To establish better dental care environments, we are conducting data analyses related to dental visits.

6. Support for Individuals with Disabilities and Their Families

Development of Comprehensive Support Programs for Children with Disabilities and Their Parents in Dental Care Settings
We are developing interdisciplinary programs that integrate mental health care for parents into the dental treatment of children with disabilities.

7. Development of Educational Methods for Special Care Dentistry

Development of Practical Training Methods for Special Care Dentistry for Dental Students
We are developing educational methods to enhance dental students’ understanding and knowledge of special care dentistry.