Preventive Dentistry
Preventive dentistry is the science and technology for preventing oral diseases, maintaining normal oral function, and actively promoting the oral health of individuals and populations. The purpose of preventive dentistry is to contribute to the improvement of QOL (quality of life) in people’s health and the extension of healthy life expectancy (the period of time during which people can live their daily lives in a healthy and independent manner) by maintaining and promoting comprehensive (physical, mental, and social) health through oral health. Therefore, the significance of preventive dentistry is not only to prevent oral diseases, but also to contribute to a high quality of life and living by maintaining and promoting oral functions such as eating a variety of foods in a balanced and tasty manner and speaking happily. The Department of Preventive Dentistry conducts research, education, and treatment based on these basic concepts.
Head | Masae KUBONIWA |
Chief of Outpatient Clinic | Hiroki TAKEUCHI |
■ Clinics
We strive to maintain and improve the health of your teeth and mouth.
We strive to maintain and improve the health of your teeth and mouth with the goal of enabling you to eat well and talk happily for the rest of your life. In addition to preventing dental and oral diseases, we also focus on improving the effectiveness and longevity of dental treatments.
We provide continuous support for the management of your mouth.
To prevent the early loss of healthy teeth, we provide ongoing support for self-care (e.g., tooth brushing) and professional care (professional oral cleaning). We also try to respect the patient’s sense of value for their teeth and mouth.
We provide preventive care that takes into account disease risk.
We prevent the onset, progression, and recurrence of dental caries and periodontal disease by scientifically predicting the patient’s disease risk (susceptibility to disease) and controlling that risk. We provide preventive measures and lifestyle guidance based on the results of various tests.