
Publications – Dept of Tissue and Developmental Biology

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Prof. Shinsuke Ohba

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Selected publications
*corresponding author

1.Tani S*, Okada H, Onodera S, Chijimatsu R, Seki M, Suzuki Y, Xin X, Rowe DW, Saito T, Tanaka S, Chung UI, Ohba S*, Hojo H*: Stem-cell-based modeling and single-cell multiomics reveal gene regulatory mechanisms underlying human skeletal development. Cell Rep 42(4):112276, 2023
2.Hojo H*, Saito T, He X, Guo Q, Onodera S, Azuma T, Koebis M, Nakao K, Aiba A, Seki M, Suzuki Y, Okada H, Tanaka S, Chung UI, McMahon AP, Ohba S*: Runx2 regulates chromatin accessibility to direct the osteoblast program at neonatal stages. Cell Rep 40(10):111315, 2022
3.Hojo H, Ohba S*: Sp7 action in the skeleton: its mode of action, functions, and relevance to skeletal diseases. Int J Mol Sci 23(10):5647, 2022 (review)
4.Ohba S*: Hedgehog signaling in skeletal development: Roles of Indian hedgehog and the mode of its action. Int J Mol Sci 21(18):6665, 2020 (review)
5.Onodera S, Saito A, Hojo H, Nakamura T, Zujur D, Watanabe K, Morita N, Hasegawa D, Masaki H, Nakauchi H, Nomura T, Shibahara T, Yamaguchi A, Chung UI, Azuma T*, Ohba S*: Hedgehog activation regulates human osteoblastogenesis. Stem Cell Reports 15(1):125-139, 2020
6.Zujur D, Kanke K, Lichtler AC, Hojo H, Chung UI, Ohba S*: Three-dimensional system enabling the maintenance and directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells under defined conditions. Sci Adv 3(5):e1602875, 2017
7.Hojo H, McMahon AP, Ohba S*: An emerging regulatory landscape for skeletal development. Trends Genet 32(12):774-787, 2016 (review)
8.Kashiwagi M, Hojo H, Kitaura Y, Maeda Y, Aini H, Takato T, Chung UI, Ohba S*: Local administration of a hedgehog agonist accelerates fracture healing in a mouse model. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 479(4):772-778, 2016
9.Aini H, Itaka K*, Fujisawa A, Uchida H, Uchida S, Fukushima S, Kataoka K, Saito T, Chung UI, Ohba S*: Messenger RNA delivery of a cartilage-anabolic transcription factor as a disease-modifying strategy for osteoarthritis treatment. Sci Rep 6:18743, 2016
10.Ohba S*: Hedgehog signaling in endochondral ossification. J Dev Biol 4(2):20, 2016 (review)
11.He X†, Ohba S†, Hojo H, McMahon AP*: AP-1 family members act with Sox9 to promote chondrocyte hypertrophy. Development 143(16):3012-3023, 2016 (†equal contribution)
12.Hojo H, Ohba S, He X, Lai LP, McMahon AP*: Sp7/Osterix is restricted to bone-forming vertebrates where it acts as a Dlx co-factor in osteoblast specification. Dev Cell 37(3):238-253, 2016
13.Ohba S*†, He X†, Hojo H, McMahon AP*: Distinct transcriptional programs underlie Sox9 regulation of the mammalian chondrocyte. Cell Rep 12(2):229-243, 2015 (†equal contribution)
14.Maeda Y, Yamamoto K, Yamakawa A, Aini H, Takato T, Chung UI, Ohba S*: The H2 blocker famotidine suppresses progression of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in a mouse model. RMD Open 1:e000068, 2015
15.Kanke K, Masaki H, Saito T, Komiyama Y, Hojo H, Nakauchi H, Lichtler AC, Takato T, Chung UI, Ohba S*: Stepwise differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into osteoblasts using four small molecules under serum-free and feeder-free conditions. Stem Cell Reports 2(6):751-760, 2014
16.Kitaura Y, Hojo H, Komiyama Y, Takato T, Chung UI, Ohba S*: Gli1 haploinsufficiency leads to decreased bone mass with an uncoupling of bone metabolism in adult mice. PLoS ONE 9(10):e109597, 2014
17.Yano F*, Ohba S, Hosaka Y, Saito T, Chung UI: Disease-modifying effects of TD-198946 on progressed osteoarthritis in a mouse model. Ann Rheum Dis 73(11):2062-2064, 2014
18.Zhang X†, Peterson KA, Liu XS, McMahon AP*, Ohba S†: Gene regulatory networks mediating canonical Wnt signal directed control of pluripotency and differentiation in embryo stem cells. Stem Cells 31(12):2667-2679, 2013 (†equal contribution)
19.Maeda Y, Hojo H, Shimohata N, Choi S, Yamamoto K, Takato T, Chung UI, Ohba S*: Bone healing by sterilizable calcium phosphate tetrapods eluting osteogenic molecules. Biomaterials 34(22):5530-5537, 2013
20.Hojo H*, Ohba S*, Taniguchi K, Shirai M, Yano F, Saito T, Ikeda T, Nakajima K, Komiyama Y, Nakagata N, Suzuki K, Mishina Y, Yamada M, Konno T, Takato T, Kawaguchi H, Kambara H, Chung UI: Hedgehog-Gli activators direct osteo-chondrogenic function of bone morphogenetic protein toward osteogenesis in the perichondrium. J Biol Chem 288(14):9924-9932, 2013
21.Komiyama Y*, Ohba S*, Shimohata N, Nakajima K, Hojo H, Yano F, Takato T, Docheva D, Shukunami C, Hiraki Y, Chung UI: Tenomodulin expression in the periodontal ligament enhances cellular adhesion. PLoS ONE 8(4): e60203, 2013
22.Hojo H*, Ohba S*, Yano F, Saito T, Ikeda T, Nakajima K, Komiyama Y, Nakagata N, Suzuki K, Takato T, Kawaguchi H, Chung UI: Gli1 protein participates in the hedgehog-mediated specification of the osteoblast lineage during endochondral ossification. J Biol Chem 287(21):17860-17869, 2012
23.Yamamoto K, Hojo H, Koshima I, Chung UI, Ohba S*: Famotidine suppresses osteogenic differentiation of tendon cells in vitro and pathological calcification of tendon in vivo. J Orthop Res 30(12):1958-1962, 2012
24.Ohba S*, Kawaguchi H, Kugimiya F, Ogasawara T, Kawamura N, Saito T, Ikeda T, Fujii K, Miyajima T, Kuramochi A, Miyashita T, Oda H, Nakamura K, Takato T, Chung UI*: Patched1 haploinsufficiency increases adult bone mass and modulates Gli3 repressor activity. Dev Cell 14(5):689-699, 2008
25.Ohba S, Nakajima K, Komiyama Y, Kugimiya F, Igawa K, Itaka K, Moro T, Nakamura K, Kawaguchi H, Takato T, Chung UI*: A novel osteogenic helioxanthin-derivative acts in a BMP-dependent manner. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 357(4):854-860, 2007
26.Akune T, Ohba S, Kamekura S, Yamaguchi M, Chung UI, Kubota N, Terauchi Y, Harada Y, Azuma Y, Nakamura K, Kadowaki T, Kawaguchi H*: PPARγ insufficiency enhances osteogenesis through osteoblast formation from bone marrow progenitors. J Clin Invest 113(6):846-855, 2004
27.Long F†, Chung UI†, Ohba S, McMahon J, Kronenberg HM, McMahon AP*: Ihh signaling is directly required for the osteoblast lineage in the endochondral skeleton. Development 131(6):1309-1318, 2004 (†equal contribution)

Assoc. Prof. Takashi Maeda

Selected publications

1.Maeda, T., Abe, M., Kurisu, K., Jikko, A. and Furukawa, S. (2001) Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel gene, CORS26, encoding a putative secretory protein and its possible involvement in skeletal development. J. Biol. Chem., 276: 3628-3634.
2.Maeda, T., Alexander, C.M. and Friedl, A. (2004) Induction of syndecan-1 expression in stromal fibroblasts promotes proliferation of human breast cancer cells. Cancer Res., 64: 612-621.
3.Maeda, T., Jikko, A., Abe, M., Yokohama-Tamaki, T., Akiyama, H., Furukawa, S., Takigawa, M. and Wakisaka, S. (2006) Cartducin, a paralog of Acrp30/adiponectin is induced during chondrogenic differentiation and promotes proliferation of chondrogenic precursors and chondrocytes. J. Cell Physiol., 206: 537-544.
4.Maeda, T., Desouky, J. and Friedl, A. (2006) Syndecan-1 expression by stromal fibroblasts promotes breast carcinoma growth in vivo and stimulates tumor angiogenesis. Oncogene, 25: 1408-1412.
5.Akiyama, H., Furukawa, S., Wakisaka, S. and Maeda, T. (2006) Cartducin stimulates mesenchymal chondroprogenitor cell proliferation through both extracellular signal-regulated kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathways. FEBS J., 273: 2257-2263.
6.Akiyama, H., Otani, M., Sato, S., Toyosawa, S., Furukawa, S., Wakisaka, S. and Maeda, T. (2013) A novel adipokine C1q/TNF-related protein 1 (CTRP1) regulates chondrocyte proliferation and maturation through the ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol., 369: 63-71.

Assoc. Prof. Makoto Abe

Selected publications

1.Saeki N., Itoh Y., Kanai R., Itoh S., Inubushi T., Akiyama S., Inui-Yamamoto C., Abe M. Pregnane X receptor (PXR) represses osteoblast differentiation through repression of the Hedgehog signaling pathway. Exp Cell Res 416(1); 2022; #113156
2.Inubushi T., Nakanishi Y., Abe M., Takahata Y., Nishimura R., Kurosaka H., Irie F., Yamashiro T., Yamaguchi Y. The cell surface hyaluronidase TMEM2 plays an essential role in mouse neural crest cell development and survival. PloS Genetics 2022
3.Saeki N., Inui-Yamamoto C., Kuraki M., Itoh S., Inubushi T., Okamoto M., Akiyama S., Wakisaka S., Abe M. Senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) mice exhibit reduced entoconid in the lower second molar. Arch Oral Biol 128; 2021; doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2021.105172
4.Ono R.*, Abe M.*, Koike N., Inokawa H., Tuchiya Y., Umemura Y., Sasawaki Y., Yamamoto T., Wakisaka S., Kanamura N., Yagita K. Quantitative morphometric analysis of molar teeth and alveolar bone in aged mice using micro-computed tomography. J Oral Biosci 2021; 63(3); 265-270 (*co-first author)
5.Abe M., Cox T.C., Firulli A.B., Kanai S.M., Dalhka J., Lim K-C., Engel D.J., Clouthier D.E. Gata3 is essential for separating patterning domains during facial morphogenesis. Development 148(17); 2021
6.Itoh Y., Itoh S., Naruse H., Kagioka T., Abe M., Hayashi M. Intracellular density is a novel indicator of different stages of murine osteoblast lineage cells. J Cell Biochem 2021
7.Naruse H., Itoh S., Itoh Y., Kagioka T., Abe M., and Hayashi M. The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway has a healing ability for periapical periodontitis. Sci Rep 2021
8.Nakamura E., Hata K., Takahata Y., Kurosaka H., Abe M., Abe T., Kihara M., Komori T., Kobayashi S., Murakami T., Inubushi T., Yamashiro T., Yamamoto S., Akiyama H., Kawaguchi M., Sakata N., Nishimura R. Zfhx4 regulates endochondral ossification as the transcriptional platform of Osterix. Commun Biol 2021
9.Takeuchi Y., Tatsuta S., Kito A., Fujikawa J., Itoh S., Itoh Y., Akiyama S., Yamashiro T., Wakisaka S., Abe M. Kruppel-Like Factor 4 upregulates Matrix Metalloproteinase 13 expression in chondrocytes via mRNA stabilization. Cell Tissue Res 382(2); 307-319; 2020; doi: 10.1007/s00441-020-03228-3
10.Takeuchi Y., Kito A., Itoh S., Naruse H., Fujikawa J., Sadek K., Akiyama S., Yamashiro T., Wakisaka S., Abe M. Kruppel-Like Factor 4 represses osteoblast differentiation via ciliary Hedgehog signaling. Exp Cell Res 371(2); 417-425; 2018.
11..Yamauchi Y,, Itoh S., Naruse H., Itoh Y., Abe M., Kagioka T., Hayashi M. HipOP mesenchymal population has high potential for repairing injured peripheral nerves. J Cell Biochem 119(6); 4836-4844; 2018. doi: 10.1002/jcb.26684.
12.Fujikawa J., Takeuchi Y., Nomir A.G., Kito A., Elkhashab E., Ghaleb A., Yang V., Akiyama S., Morisaki I., Yamashiro T., Wakisaka S., Abe M. Kruppel-like factor 4 regulates matrix metalloproteinase and aggrecanase gene expression in chondrocytes. Cell Tissue Res 370(3); 441-449; 2017. doi: 10.1007/s00441-017-2674-0.
13.Nomir A.G., Takeuchi Y., Fujikawa J., Elsharaby A.A., Wakisaka S., Abe M. Fate mapping of Trps1 daughter cells during cardiac development using novel Trps1-Cre mice. Genesis 54(7); 379-388; 2016.
14.Fujikawa J., Tanaka M., Itoh S., Fukushi T., Kurisu K., Takeuchi Y., Morisaki I., Wakisaka S., Abe M. Kruppel-like factor 4 expression in osteoblasts represses osteoblast-dependent osteoclast formation. Cell Tissue Res 358(1); 177-87; 2014.
15.Yoshioka S, Takahashi Y, Abe M., Michikami I, Imazato S, Wakisaka S, Hayashi M, Ebisu S. Activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease 1 during tertiary dentinogenesis. J Biochem 153(1); 43-50; 2013
16.Michikami I, Fukushi T, Tanaka M, Egusa H, Maeda Y, Ooshima T, Wakisaka S, Abe M. Kruppel-like factor 4 regulates membranous and endochondral ossification. Exp Cell Res 318(4);311-25; 2012
17.Michikami I, Fukushi T, Honma S, Yoshioka S, Itoh S, Muragaki Y, Kurisu K, Ooshima T, Wakisaka S, Abe M. Trps1 is necessary for normal temporomandibular joint development. Cell Tissue Res 348;131-140; 2012
18.Abe S, Namba N, Abe M., Fujiwara M, Aikawa T, Kogo M, Ozono K. Monocarboxylate Transporter 10 Functions as a Thyroid Hormone Transporter in Chondrocytes. Endocrinology 153(8);4049-58; 2012
19.Miyajima, H., Matsumoto, T., Sakai, T., Yamaguchi, S., An, S.H., Abe, M., Wakisaka, S., Lee, K.Y., Egusa, H., Imazato, S. Hydrogel-based biomimetic environment for in vitro modulation of branching morphogenesis. Biomaterials 32;6754-63; 2011.
20.Abe, M., Michikami, I., Fukushi, T., Abe, A., Maeda, Y., Ooshima, T., and Wakisaka, S. Hand2 regulates chondrogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Bone 46:1359-68; 2010.
21.Abe, M., Maeda, T., and Wakisaka, S. Retinoic acid affects craniofacial patterning by changing Fgf8 expression in the pharyngeal ectoderm. Dev Growth Differ 50:717-29; 2008.
22.Hendershot, T. J., Liu, H., Sarkar, A. A., Giovannucci, D. R., Clouthier, D. E., Abe, M., and Howard, M. J. Expression of Hand2 is sufficient for neurogenesis and cell type-specific gene expression in the enteric nervous system. Dev Dyn 236:93-105; 2007.
23.Abe, M., Ruest, L. B., and Clouthier, D. E. Fate of cranial neural crest cells during craniofacial development in endothelin-A receptor-deficient mice. Int J Dev Biol 51:97-105; 2007.
24.Reinhold M.I., Abe M., Kapadia R.M., Liao Z., Naski M.C. (2004) FGF18 represses noggin expression and is induced by calcineurin. J Biol Chem 279:38209-19.
25.Abe M., Naski M.C. (2004) Regulation of sprouty expression by PLCgamma and calcium-dependent signals. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 323:1040-7.
26.Abe M., Tamamura Y., Yamagishi H., Maeda T., Kato J., Tabata M.J., Srivastava D., Wakisaka S., Kurisu K. (2002) Tooth-type specific expression of dHAND/Hand2: possible involvement in murine lower incisor morphogenesis. Cell Tissue Res 310:201-12.
27.Noguchi H., Kaname T., Sekimoto T., Senba K., Nagata Y., Araki M., Abe M., Nakagata N., Ono T., Yamamura K., Araki K. (2002) Naso-maxillary deformity due to frontonasal expression of human transthyretin gene in transgenic mice. Genes Cells 7:1087-98.
28.Liu J.G., Tabata M.J., Fujii T., Ohmori T., Abe M., Ohsaki Y., Kato J., Wakisaka S., Iwamoto M., Kurisu K. (2000) Parathyroid hormone-related peptide is involved in protection against invasion of tooth germs by bone via promoting the differentiation of osteoclasts during tooth development. Mech Dev 95:189-200.

Asst. Prof. Chizuko Inui-Yamamoto

Selected publications
*corresponding author

1.Inui T, Inui-Yamamoto C, Schmid F, Blonde GD, Spector AC. (2022) The Effects of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass on Glucose- vs. Fructose-Associated Conditioned Flavor Preference. Physiol Behav 248:113730.
2.Saeki N, Inui-Yamamoto C, Kuraki M, Itoh S, Inubushi T, Okamoto M, Akiyama S, Wakisaka S, Abe M.(2021) Senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8) mice exhibit reduced entoconid in the lower second molar. Arch Oral Biol. 128:105172.
3.Ueda K, Inui-Yamamoto C*, Kumabe S, Matsuda Y, Tamura I (2021) Transitional changes in the sizes of the teeth and the dental arches in adult men. Journal of Osaka Dental University 55; 187-194.
4.Inui-Yamamoto C, Blonde GD, Schmid F, Mariotti L, Campora M, Inui T, Schier LA, Spector AC. (2020) Neural Isolation of the Olfactory Bulbs Severely Impairs Taste-Guided Behavior to Normally Preferred, But Not Avoided, Stimuli. eNeuro 7(2):ENEURO.0026-20.2020.
5.Inui T, Sugishita T, Inui-Yamamoto C, Yasoshima Y, Shimura T.(2019) The Basolateral Nucleus of the Amygdala Executes the Parallel Processes of Avoidance and Palatability in the Retrieval of Conditioned Taste Aversion in Male Rats. eNeuro 6(4). Pii:ENEURO.0004-19.2019.
6.Schier LA, Inui-Yamamoto C, Blonde GD, Spector AC.(2019) T1R2+T1R3-independent chemosensory inputs contributing to behavioral discrimination of sugars in mice. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 316(5):R448-R462.
7.Treesukosol Y, Inui-Yamamoto C, Mizuta H, Yamamoto T, Moran TH.(2018) Short-Term Exposure to a Calorically Dense Diet Alters Taste-Evoked Responses in the Chorda Tympani Nerve, But Not Unconditioned Lick Responses to Sucrose. Chemical Senses 43(6):433-441.
8.Inui-Yamamoto C*, Yamamoto T, Ueda K, Nakatsuka M, Kumabe S, Inui T, Iwai Y.(2017) Taste preference changes throughout different life stages in male rats. PLoS One 12(7):e0181650.
9.Chen T, Mori Y, Inui-Yamamoto C, Komai Y, Tago Y, Yoshida S, Takabatake Y, Isaka Y, Ohno K, Yoshioka Y.(2017) Polymer-brush-afforded SPIO Nanoparticles Show a Unique Biodistribution and MR Imaging Contrast in Mouse Organs. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 16(4): 275-283.
10.Kawano A, Honma S, Inui-Yamamoto C, Ito A, Niwa H, Wakisaka S.(2017) c-Fos expression in the parabrachial nucleus following intraoral bitter stimulation in the rat with dietary-induced zinc deficiency. Brain Research 1659:1-7.
11.Ooi Y, Inui-Yamamoto C, Yoshioka Y, Seiyama A, Seki J. (2017) 11.7 T MR Imaging Revealed Dilatation of Virchow-Robin Spaces within Hippocampus in Maternally Lipopolysaccharide-exposed Rats. Magnetic Resonance in Medical Sciences 16(1):54-60.
12.Ooi Y, Inui-Yamamoto C, Suzuki T, Nakadate H, Nagase Y, Seiyama A, Yoshioka Y, Seki J. (2014) In vivo magnetic resonance imaging at 11.7 Tesla visualized the effects of neonatal transection of infraorbital nerve upon primary and secondary trigeminal pathways in rats. Brain Research 1579:84-92.
13.Inui T, Inui-Yamamoto C, Yoshioka Y, Ohzawa I, Shimura T. (2013) Activation of efferents from the basolateral amygdala during the retrieval of conditioned taste aversion. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 106: 210-220.
14.Nakatsuka M, Inui-Yamamoto C, Jue SS, Kim JY, Park YS, Kumabe S, Ueda K, An C, Morishita A, Shin JW, Iwai Y. (2013) The study of essential factors that affect mandibular dental arch forms by cluster analysis. The Korean Journal of Oral Anatomy 34(1):1-16.
15.Inui T, Inui-Yamamoto C, Yoshioka Y, Ohzawa I, Shimura T. (2011) Activation of projective neurons from the nucleus accumbens to ventral pallidum by a learned aversive taste stimulus in rats: a manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience 177:66-73.
16.Inui-Yamamoto C*, Yoshioka Y, Inui T, Sasaki KS, Ooi Y, Ueda K, Seiyama A, Ohzawa I. (2010) The brain mapping of the retrieval of conditioned taste aversion memory using manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in rats. Neuroscience 167(2):199-204.
17.Inui-Yamamoto C, Furudono Y, Yamamoto T. (2009) Hedonics of taste influence the gastric emptying in rats. Physiology and Behavior 96(4-5):717-22.
18.Yamamoto C, Nagai H, Takahashi K, Nakagawa S, Yamaguchi M, Tonoike M, Yamamoto T. (2006) Cortical Representation of taste modifying action of miracle fruit in humans. NeuroImage 33(4):1145-51.
19.Furudono Y, Ando C, Yamamoto C, Kobashi M, Yamamoto T. (2006) Involvement of specific orexigenic neuropeptides in sweetener-induced overconsumption in rats. Behavioral Brain Research 175(2):241-8.
20.Furudono Y, Ando C, Kobashi M, Yamamoto C, Yamamoto T. (2005) The role of orexigenic neuropeptides in the ingestion of sweet-tasting substances in rats. Chemical Senses 30 (suppl 1); i186-i187.
21.Treesukosol Y, Ishizuka T, Yamamoto C, Senda K, Tsutsumi S, Yamatodani A, Yamamoto T. (2005) Hypothalamic histamine release by taste stimuli in freely moving rats: Possible implication of palatability. Behavioral Brain Research 164(1): 67-72.
22.Iwaki S, Yamamoto C, Tonoike M, Yamamoto T. (2004) Rejection of stimulus-related MEG artifacts using independent component analysis. Neurological Clinical Neurophysiology 30:17.
23.Yamamoto C, Takehara S, Morikawa K, Nakagawa S, Yamaguchi M, Iwaki S, Tonoike M, Yamamoto T. (2003) Magnetoencephalographic study of cortical activity evoked by electrogustatory stimuli. Chemical Senses 2: 245-251.